วันเสาร์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553
[no subject]
Replicadpt9 Rob4cklex mo76nk441vdels of3f the labaatest Ba1spkselwoxel4nyrld 2010 designs hat5q1yzve just been la3kmdt5zcunched omj4s4w2n o68701ur replicak77iz4n sites.
These ai7h9re the first run oqkof the 2010 moj6dels with inner Ro9hwkkclex inscriptiouo4g7wgns a0fnd better bab1qbpxm1nds a7hel2zpqnd caxases.
oj7nly limited totmmvdq 1000 pieces wo9arldwide, they avt5n0elknre expected to82k7 sell ocput within aym mok7nth.
These ai7h9re the first run oqkof the 2010 moj6dels with inner Ro9hwkkclex inscriptiouo4g7wgns a0fnd better bab1qbpxm1nds a7hel2zpqnd caxases.
oj7nly limited totmmvdq 1000 pieces wo9arldwide, they avt5n0elknre expected to82k7 sell ocput within aym mok7nth.
วันเสาร์ที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553
Consuelo Sullivan
วันพุธที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553
Warren Talley
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WikiLeaks founder wanted on rape charges
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Assange is a victim of a honey trap, but I suspect some info in Wiki leaks might seem like a honey trap... Wikileaks says Canadians are complacent when it comes to terrorism. Wow really? Do tell me.
He stuck his middle finger up to the powers that be, they'll find a way to get him. If it isn't this it will be something else. They need to set an example to others who want to shed light on the secret nastiness world governments engage in daily.
well its very good work by julian assaange. And public has right to know it could help in mantaining peace in world . but dark side is " It can be cause of world war-3 in nearby future.
Assange is a victim of a honey trap, but I suspect some info in Wiki leaks might seem like a honey trap... Wikileaks says Canadians are complacent when it comes to terrorism. Wow really? Do tell me.
He stuck his middle finger up to the powers that be, they'll find a way to get him. If it isn't this it will be something else. They need to set an example to others who want to shed light on the secret nastiness world governments engage in daily.
well its very good work by julian assaange. And public has right to know it could help in mantaining peace in world . but dark side is " It can be cause of world war-3 in nearby future.
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